Monday, March 18, 2019

Shirone Kite Museum

Shirone, in the southern ward of Niigata City, is well-known for its giant kite festival, held annually in June.  If you can't make it to the festival itself, the Shirone Kite Museum is a fun place to spend an afternoon and learn about the history of the festival and the amazing kites that fly there.

The museum is filled with beautiful kites, big and small, with designs ranging from the traditional samurai and dragons to modern cartoon characters and realistic birds and insects.

On the second floor there is a workshop where you can build and color your own kite (for 300 yen) and then fly it in a wind tunnel!

In addition to the kites, there are also many displays about traditional crafts and life in Shirone over the past century.

The Shirone Kite Museum is open on most days from 9am to 5pm.  Entry is 400 yen for adults and 200 yen for children (elementary up to high school), but on weekends children are free.

Shirone Kite Museum homepage (No English):